Member Responsibilities
Sunset Rotary Club
Overview of Member Responsibilities
The Hilton Head Island Sunset Rotary Club was formed in March 1997 to provide members an opportunity to pursue the Object of Rotary, Service above Self, through the Five Avenues of Service and live by the Rotary Four-way Test, as best we can:
Rotary Four-Way Test
Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial?
And for our club, one extra, Is it fun?
There are many ways for Sunset Members to pursue service via the Club, including participation in club committees, work projects, and the spirit of service carried outside the club to the community. Rotary outlines them as:
Five Avenues of Service.
1. Club Service involves action a member should take within this club to help it function successfully, including committee assignments, and sponsoring new members.
2. Vocational Service involves promoting high ethical standards in businesses and professions, recognizing the worthiness of all dignified occupations, and fostering the ideal of service in the pursuit of all vocations. The role of members includes conducting themselves and their businesses in accordance with Rotary’s principles.
3. Community Service involves varied efforts including work projects, donations to other organizations, and member involvement outside of the club to improve the quality of life of those who live on the island.
4. International Service involves activities designed to help people in other lands. The club generously supports The Rotary Foundation, donates to other Rotary club projects (typically water projects) and at times will partner with a club in an undeveloped part of the world to undertake a project of our own.
5. Youth Service involves sponsorship and help through scholarships to worthy candidates and financial support of Rotary International service projects and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding. With more member support our club could enhance the leadership development of local youth as well.
The Object of Rotary:
- Development of Acquaintance. Members are expected to reach out and strengthen acquaintances with more in the community as well as with other club members. We should strive to engage others beyond our meetings, be good hosts to guests and visitor at our meeting, and use the meetings to get to know more members better (instead of sitting with the same “click”) and participating more in smaller groups such as committees and work projects.
- High ethical standards in business and professions by remembering the Four Way Test
- The Ideal of “Service above Self”.
Advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons.
Sunset Club Leadership
The club is led by the president and 6 other officers as follows:
President Elect
Past President
Vice President
The Board consists of these officers and 4 Directors from Committee Chairs as Follows:
Director – Chair, Club Service
Director – Chair, Vocational Service
Director – Chair, Community Service
Director – Chair, International Service
In addition to the Board 3 additional Committees are part of the Leadership Team
Rotary Foundation